Things to do at home to keep entertained during the lockdown

We’re all indoors for the unforeseeable future, and a lot of us are getting very bored, very quickly – and while it’s a daunting prospect, there are plenty of little things to do to keep all of us going. 

Here are some of our picks for the things to do during the lockdown period:

1. Start a What's App Group to keep in touch with your family, friends and other love ones that don't live with you. Use this group to share positivity and be there for each other daily during this tough period.

2. Start watching Big Bang Theory again from Season 1 (Available on Netflix). You might not finish before the 21 days are over.

3. Gaming on PS, XBOX, Nintendo and PC needs no elaboration and is our favorite pass time. Remember you no longer need a physical disk to play a game as you can purchase the software directly from one of the platforms stores without leaving your house. This will surely help as this is now classified as a non-essential item to go out and buy.

4. Follow POP Life over on Social, as we  are working hard on keeping our little Funko community engaged and entertained all the time over this period.

5. If you fortunate enough to have a VR Headset i.e Oculus Go, you can utilise the available applications to explore places around the world without leaving your house.

6. Download the Funko App and add your collection to your own virtual vault. Do you know how much your collection is worth? This app can provide real time trending insight. Remember to change your currency to Rands under the account settings. You can also plan your wishlist for future items that you would like to add to your collection.

7. Old fashion board games are a definite must and YES we managed to get the Back to the Future limited edition Monopoly just before the lockdown started.

8. Self  Development is an absolute must. Try and do a few online courses or read a few books to learn new skills.




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